
  1. Blk & Wht vs. all the shades of Gry

    A restaunt does a thing, not everything, a thing. To stick by this is to have ‘productional integrity’, not simply integrity. We have a brunch restaurant and often we find that our ability to communicate what we do as a business is often miscommunicated and therefore misinterpreted and misunderstood. It’s our fault.
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  2. Workplace systems and information recall

    A system that develops in a café that deals with a certain area of the business is a lifesaver, if absorbed, accepted, and consistently implemented by the staff. It allows for a fluid flow and reduces the static movement that stresses staff, annoys customers, and inhibits business development – both reputational and monetary. 

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  3. Constitutive power of language and hospitality: Customer vs. Guest

    Through giving up parts of one’s privacy for one another, human-beings have been building stable friendly relationships with each other. Thus, the relationship between a host and a guest is per se rooted in reciprocity and mutual consideration.
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